Surgery => Gynecology => Papilloma Virus, Human (HPV)
Papilloma Virus, Human (HPV)
Papilloma Virus, Human (HPV), family of viruses that causes warts and has been implicated as a possible cause of genital cancers and, more recently, cancers and other abnormal growths of the eye. More than 50 types of HPV have been differentiated; for example, type 2 causes warts on the hands, type 6 is associated with genital warts, and type 13 causes flat, wartlike lesions in the mouth. Types 16 and 18 are the ones possibly linked with cancers, but several others are associated with a rare skin disease that may also become cancerous. The viruses may be transmitted congenitally and sexually, as well as by other means of contact; vaccines to control them are under development.